• Say NO To Drug Store Products:
Drug store products have so many ingredients that strip the toner or colour, deposit unwanted minerals, wax & clog your scalp and hair strands.
• Say YES To Professional Products:
Get the correct products for your hair type and your hair colour! Professional products are made to protect your hair from the inside out and keep your colour lasting long.
• Say NO To Hard Water:
Hard water or well water has many unfiltered minerals that can strip your hair of the artificial colour. It can also cause mineral deposits which causes your hair to appear more dark and brassy.
• Say YES To Filtered Water + Less Washing:
Get a shower head filter made for mineral filtration. Also, the less you wash your hair, the longer your colour will last. Washing 1-2 times a week is best.
• Say NO To Heat On The Hair:
Using heat on your hair, such as hot water and hot styling tools, allows room for your hair cuticle to open and fade the colour away. Using extreme temperatures can burn your hair, causing it to also appear more dark and brassy.
• Say YES To Heat Protectant + Limited Hot Tools & Temperature:
Do not use hot tools more than 1x/week and make sure you use heat protectant when you do. Don't go over 300 degrees.
• Say NO To Hot Water Temperature:
Shampooing and conditioning with hot water will open your hair cuticle, allowing for the pigment to escape.
• Say YES To Cool Water Temperature:
Shampoo and condition with cold water, this will make sure your cuticle stays intact, allowing the pigment to stay put.